
A Python enGine for Argumentation

pygarg is a Python implementation of SAT-based techniques for abstract argumentation. It is based on CoQuiAAS, with all calls to SAT solvers using the pysat API.

Based on the command-line interface of the ICCMA competitions, it can solve the problems XX-YY with:

  • XX in [‘DC’, ‘DS’, ‘SE’, ‘EE’, ‘CE’] standing for credulous acceptability, skeptical acceptability, computing some extension, enumerating extensions and counting extensions;
  • and YY in [‘CF’, ‘AD’, ‘ST’, ‘CO’, ‘PR’, ‘GR’, ‘ID’, ‘SST’] standing for conflict-freeness, admissibility, stable semantics, complete semantics, preferred semantics, grounded semantics and semi-stable semantics.

pygarg can be installed thanks to the Python Package Index:

pip install pygarg

See (missing reference) or the GitHub repository for more details on how to use pygarg, via the command-line or as a library in your own Python script.



  1. pygarg: A Python Engine for Argumentation
    Jean-Guy Mailly