ANR (2013-2018)

The project AMANDE was supported by the French National Research Agency (ANR) (2013-2018).

Objective : Theoretical foundations for the aggregation of arguments coming from multiple sources

Debating and exchanging arguments is a fundamental human activity, studied for a long time. But considering that it is already difficult to evaluate which of two debaters was the most convincing, how can we handle debates where participants can be counted in dozens, even more? Online deliberation platforms makes this prospect real: on such platforms, pieces of information (more or less credible) are exchanged in order to build up a “collective opinion”. These pieces of information can be arguments, but people may also vote on arguments put forward by other parties. How can we make sense of this constellation of viewpoints? Is there any well-founded method to aggregate them, to analyze the resulting debates (for instance, so as to single out the best justified ones?). And in a normative perspective, can we conceive and design systems enjoying good properties (that the debate evolved correctly, that the viewpoints were fairly represented, that the outcome reached was satisfying for all the parties, etc.)



  1. Constraints and changes: A survey of abstract argumentation dynamics
    Sylvie Doutre, and Jean-Guy Mailly
    Argument & Computation, 2018


  1. Comparison Criteria for Argumentation Semantics
    Sylvie Doutre, and Jean-Guy Mailly
    In 15th European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (EUMAS 2017), 2017
  2. Semantic Change and Extension Enforcement in Abstract Argumentation
    Sylvie Doutre, and Jean-Guy Mailly
    In 11th International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM 2017), 2017
  3. Dynamique des systèmes d’argumentation : changement de sémantique et forçage d’extension
    Sylvie Doutre, and Jean-Guy Mailly
    In 11èmes Journées d’Intelligence Artificielle Fondamentale (IAF 2017), 2017


  1. Quantifying the Difference between Argumentation Semantics
    Sylvie Doutre, and Jean-Guy Mailly
    In 6th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument (COMMA 2016), 2016
  2. Merging of Abstract Argumentation Frameworks
    In 15th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2016), 2016
  3. How different are two argumentation semantics?
    Sylvie Doutre, and Jean-Guy Mailly
    In 10èmes Journées d’Intelligence Artificielle Fondamentale (IAF 2016), 2016


  1. coquiaas.png
    CoQuiAAS: A Constraint-based Quick Abstract Argumentation Solver
    Jean-Marie LagniezEmmanuel Lonca, and Jean-Guy Mailly
    In 27th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI 2015), 2015
  2. Extension Enforcement in Abstract Argumentation as an Optimization Problem
    Sylvie Coste-MarquisSébastien KoniecznyJean-Guy Mailly, and 1 more author
    In 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2015), 2015
  3. Forçage d’extension en argumentation abstraite par optimisation booléenne
    Sylvie Coste-MarquisSébastien KoniecznyJean-Guy Mailly, and 1 more author
    In 9èmes Journées d’Intelligence Artificielle Fondamentale (IAF 2015), 2015
  4. coquiaas.png
    CoQuiAAS : Applications de la programmation par contraintes à l’argumentation abstraite
    Jean-Marie LagniezEmmanuel Lonca, and Jean-Guy Mailly
    In 11èmes Journées Francophones de la Programmation par Contraintes (JFPC 2015), 2015
  5. Dynamics of Argumentation Frameworks
    Jean-Guy Mailly
    Université d’Artois, 2015


  1. A Translation-based Approach for Revision of Argumentation Frameworks
    Sylvie Coste-MarquisSébastien KoniecznyJean-Guy Mailly, and 1 more author
    In 14th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 2014), 2014
  2. On the Revision of Argumentation Systems: Minimal Change of Arguments Statuses
    Sylvie Coste-MarquisSébastien KoniecznyJean-Guy Mailly, and 1 more author
    In 14th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2014), 2014
  3. Approche par traduction pour la révision de systèmes d’argumentation
    Sylvie Coste-MarquisSébastien KoniecznyJean-Guy Mailly, and 1 more author
    In 8èmes Journées d’Intelligence Artificielle Fondamentale (IAF 2014), 2014