ANR (2023-...)

AGGREEY was funded by the ANR, and started in Janurary 2023.

Summary: E-democracy is a form of government that allows everybody to participate in the development of laws. It has numerous benefits since it strengthens the integration of citizens in the political debate. Several on-line platforms exist; most of them propose to represent a debate in the form of a graph, which allows humans to better grasp the arguments and their relations. However, once the arguments are entered in the system, little or no automatic treatment is done by such platforms. Given the development of online consultations, it is clear that in the near future we can expect thousands of arguments on some hot topics, which will make the manual analysis difficult and time-consuming. The goal of this project is to use artificial intelligence, computational argumentation theory and natural language processing in order to detect the most important arguments, estimate the acceptability degrees of arguments and predict the decision that will be taken.



  1. Revisiting Approximate Reasoning based on Grounded Semantics
    Jérôme DelobelleJean-Guy Mailly, and Julien Rossit
    In Seventeenth European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU 2023), 2023
  2. Extension-based Semantics for Incomplete Argumentation Frameworks: Grounded Semantics and Principles
    Jean-Guy Mailly
    In Seventeenth European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU 2023), 2023
  3. A Logical Encoding for k-m-Realization of Extensions in Abstract Argumentation
    Jean-Guy Mailly
    In Fifth International Conference on Logic and Argumentation (CLAR 2023), 2023
  4. A New Evolutive Generator for Graphs with Communities and its Application to Abstract Argumentation
    Jean-Marie LagniezEmmanuel LoncaJean-Guy Mailly, and 1 more author
    In First International Workshop on Argumentation and Applications (Arg&App 2023), 2023
  5. Abstract Argumentation Applied to Fair Resources Allocation: A Preliminary Study
    Jean-Guy Mailly
    In First International Workshop on Argumentation and Applications (Arg&App 2023), 2023
  6. A New Evolutive Generator for Graphs with Communities and its Application to Abstract Argumentation
    Jean-Marie LagniezEmmanuel LoncaJean-Guy Mailly, and 1 more author
    In 17èmes Journées d’Intelligence Artificielle Fondamentale (IAF 2023), 2023
  7. Similarity Measures between Order-Sorted Logical Arguments
    Victor DavidJérôme Delobelle, and Jean-Guy Mailly
    In 17èmes Journées d’Intelligence Artificielle Fondamentale (IAF 2023), 2023